Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Sea Floor Spreading

*Sea floor spreading is the process by which new sea floor is formed as it moves away from spreading centers in mid-ocean ridges.

*Mountains, trenches, mid-ocean ridges, and volcanoes were formed by plate movement.

*The Mariana Islands were formed by volcanoes.

*Plate Tectonics are proof that the earth is constantly moving. Our earth's crust is compused of plates which move every so often. This movement causes the land above it to alter. It is also what causes earthquakes and land formations such as mountains, volcanoes, and hills, etc. Earthquakes are proof that the plates still move.

*An atoll is part of a coral reef that forms a ring around a central lagoon.

*Atolls are mainly found on the Pacific because of our coral reefs. Atolls grow on our reefs.


Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.

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